News – Cambodia

704, 2017

Safe food, Healthy life in Cambodia

April 7th, 2017|

2903, 2017

The Phnom Penh Post, 28 March 2017, Push to reduce chemical dependency

March 29th, 2017|

203, 2017

You are ugly. But, I still eat you.

March 2nd, 2017|

2401, 2017

Life of contract farmer in Cambodia: Growing organic, glowing income

January 24th, 2017|

2712, 2016

AEC News, 27 September 2016: GIZ Programme to Boost Cambodia’s Organic Produce Sector

December 27th, 2016|

2110, 2016

In different shades of green agriculture

October 21st, 2016|

1310, 2016

Cambodia’s Minister supports environmental friendly plant protection in promoting sustainable agriculture

October 13th, 2016|

1107, 2016

A study in Cambodia finds organic contract farming raises income of smallholders by as much as four times

July 11th, 2016|

706, 2016

Cambodia experts contribute to the drafting of Regional Guidelines on Soil and Nutrient Management

June 7th, 2016|