From Fruit to Juice: From Integrity to Food Security (Video). Write us for the free copy!
ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems (ASEAN SAS) is launching a two-version video of Thai and English filmed in Kuibuiri of Prachuap Khiri Khan Province, Thailand. The video tells the lives of pineapple farmers, fruit processing factory owner, and SGF’s fruit juice quality assurance auditor and their roles in maintaining the business sustainability and living security.
This first version is 15-minute long with Thai narration and English subtitle. The second version soon to be introduced is 8 minutes in length with English narration. One hundred copies of the video will be distributed at no cost. Please write to Mr. Prawat Chansomboon <> stating your name, agency, purposes for the video use, and mailing addresses.
ASEAN Guidelines on Soil and Nutrient Management A journey towards sustainable management of soils and plant nutrition begins
After two years of development, the ASEAN Guidelines on Soil and Nutrient Management (SNM) come close to the finishing line. These truly regional guidelines for policy makers of ASEAN Member States are the fruitful results of concerted efforts and collaborations among the Regional Expert Group on Soil and Nutrient Management from the 10 ASEAN Member States.
The development of the Guidelines is facilitated by ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems (ASEAN SAS).
About a third of the world’s soil is already degraded, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) who reported these unsettling news at the World Soil Day that falls on 5 December of each year.
‘Only 60 years of farming left if soil degradation continues’, Reuters cited recently in one headline.
To put it graphically: We are losing 30 soccer fields of soil every minute. The causes of soil destruction include, among others, overuse of chemical inputs in today’s farming methods. The earth under our feet is too often ignored by policymakers, based on the report.
The development of the ASEAN Guidelines took two years and they are now in the final stage of revision. A completed draft was recently presented at the 8th Steering Committee Meeting of ASEAN SAS in Malaysia. Fourteen delegates from eight ASEAN Member States attended the Meeting on 7-8 December 2016. The Department of Agriculture of the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry, Malaysia, GIZ and ASEAN Secretariat hosted the two-day event.
Chief Technical Advisor of ASEAN SAS, Dr. Thomas Jaekel said that the ASEAN Guidelineson Soil and Nutrition Management were a timely document for policy makers in ASEAN to help implement strategies and policies on soil and nutrient management at a national level.
“Currently, some of the damage to soil is already irreversible,” said Dr. Jaekel, “We have to recognise that we damage the soil, and we have to change things in view of better management.”
“Agriculture has to be productive and profitable. Otherwise, farmers could not sustain their business,” he said.
The Steering Committee supported the draft SNM Guidelines with comments provided and agreed to facilitate in country coordination for receiving approval of the Guidelines from respective ASEAN Member States.
The revised draft Guidelines will be circulated to the Steering Committee members by the end of February 2017 for the in-country consultations to provide feedback to the draft. Then, the revised draft will be submitted to the 9th Steering Committee Meeting of ASEAN SAS for consideration prior to submission to the 24th Meeting of the ASEAN Sectoral Working Group on Crops (ASWGC) in April 2017.
The ASEAN Guidelines for Soil and Nutrition Management
The ASEAN Guidelines for Soil and Nutrition Management is a policy support document to national policy makers for guidance in developing national policies through the knowledge of ASEAN experiences and lesson learnt.
The Guidelines have been developed during various consultation meetings of expert groups on soil and nutrient management, at both, regional and national levels. ASEAN SAS’s Project Coordination Unit in Bangkok together with Thailand’s Department of Agriculture as host country facilitated the development process of the Guidelines.
Its scope includes a description of soil types in ASEAN, good soil management practices, good nutrient management, standard, regulations and market information of fertiliser and supplements, and recommendations targeted specifically at policy makers on how to set framework conditions for implementation of soil and nutrient management in their countries.
By Rojana Manowalailao, ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems
Regional Cooperation contributes to food security in Myanmar
In achieving food security in Myanmar, ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems (ASEAN SAS) has provided technical assistance supports in policy framework, promotion of sustainable production technologies and market linkages. With the Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, ASEAN SAS in 2016 will focus on the inclusion of policy recommendation on biocontrol agent (BCA) regulation into national legislation, field demonstration on the use of BCAs in cabbage and tomatoes in Bago Division and fruit fly management for mango growers in Shan State. ASEAN SAS is negotiating with JJ PUN Co. Ltd. to become a major supplier due to few BCAs available in the country. Collaboration is proposed to be under Public Private Partnership project that aims at scaling-up bio-inputs in Myanmar.
Agriculture officer from Malaysia talks about challenges in supporting sustainable agrifood systems
Mr. Ismail Iberahim, Principal Assistant Director of Plant Biosecurity Division with Malaysia’s Department of Agriculture recently attended the 6th Project Partner Meeting of the ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems (ASEAN SAS) in Vientiane, Lao PDR where he gave this interview.
What is your role and responsibility at your agency?
“My role is supporting sustainable agriculture. As an agricultural officer, my role is to teach the farmers about good agricultural practices and sustainable agriculture is also included.”
Why do you think we need to support sustainable agriculture?
“We need to be looking for safety first. In agriculture production, what is the most important is not the quantity of the food produced but its quality. The food we produce must be safe to consume. And, everybody in the society no matter if he or she is rich or poor should get chances to similar safe food. There should not be any differences.”
What are the challenges in supporting sustainable agrifood systems in Malaysia?
“The major challenge in promoting sustainable agrifood systems in Malaysia is making everybody know what the sustainable agrifood systems are and why we need the sustainable ways to produce our food. When people understand, they will recognize and appreciate sustainable agriculture produce, and will be looking for it and willing to pay more for it.”
What would you explain to make people understand what the sustainable agriculture is?
“The sustainable agriculture is the natural way in doing agriculture, for example, we use the natural fertilizer, recycle the waste in the farm, and if possible try to minimize the use of chemicals. The most important thing is we need to conserve our environment and natural resources. When we change the nature, it has very negative effects to the environment.”
“In agriculture production, what is most important is not the quantity of the food produced but its quality. The food we produce must be safe to consume.”
How have the issues been tackled so far in your country?
“So far, in Malaysia only the farmers have been taught about sustainable agriculture. And the rest, the majority of the people, do not know about it. When this happens, the farmers do not get any recognition or any appreciation from the major society for doing sustainable agriculture farming. That is why it is very difficult to make the farmers follow or adopt the sustainable agriculture practices. To them, it does not make any difference whether they follow it or not. They do not get any profit, or any kinds of incentive. For example, although they get a certificate for Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), but if they will not get any higher price for their farm produces, the certificate will be no use for them. I think this issue must be tackled. All the people, not only the farmers, need to know what the sustainable agriculture is and complete the chain of the sustainable agrifood systems.”
If you could do anything, what would you like to do in supporting sustainable agrifood system?
“In my mind I would like to educate everybody. Let everybody knows what sustainable agrifood systems are. And, I wish that I could use whatever channel of media, TVs or newspapers, to make the information reach the target. If it is only just the farmers who are aware of these, we will not get success.”
“I wish some days in our ASEAN community people will change attitudes.”
Is there anything that you would like to say?
“I wish some days in our ASEAN community people will change attitudes. For example, in the developed countries people are caring for the environment, and concern about how they are doing agriculture. I am working with Pesticide Control Division, so I always compare. For example, between Malaysian farmers and farmers from the developed country the way they think, it is very different. Farmers in the developed countries are going for safe food. They concern about safety first, and they conserve the environment. If possible, they do not want to use the chemicals anymore. They go for the natural enemy, instead. But in the developing countries, especially in Malaysia, farmers are only just thinking to get the high volume of the produces and with the good looking ones. They also want the fast effect and they are not thinking about tomorrow, but just thinking for today. I wish one day, our farmers can change their attitude towards sustainable agriculture.”
If they do not change, what would happen in the next five or ten years?
“May be, during the time the soil will be deteriorating. The soil will not be fertile anymore. May be, farmers will use double or triple fertilizers compared to today, May be, during that time too many pests have been resistant to the pesticides. May be, during that time there is no more natural predator around and we only have to depend on the chemicals. It will be a very bad situation if these happen.”
Over 70 experts from ten ASEAN Member States recently met in Lao PDR to mark the ASEAN SAS project’s mid-term milestone and discuss emerging issues and challenges to food security, including environment and climate changes in order to develop strategies for project activities post 2015. ASEAN SAS, since the inception of the second phase in 2014, has implemented activities under three priority areas namely policy framework, production technologies and market linkages to encourage regional cooperation in promoting sustainable food production at the national level as well as enhancing synergies and boosting greater impact in respective countries. The 6th Project Partner Meeting and related Mmeetings run on 17-20 November 2015 co-hosted by the Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Lao PDR.
Interviewed and photos by Rojana Manowalailao, ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems
Transcribed by Sabrina Kessler, ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems
Cambodia Rice Federation features ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems in supporting safety and sustainable food production
Rice is one of the major crops both for Cambodia and South-East Asia. Since the agriculture sector struggles to meet the demand, the use of chemical inputs is increasing. Farmers believe that chemical inputs can foster productivity, eliminate pests and boost profit. However, improper use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizer may contribute to various problems including farm losses, ecological risks and health hazards. In addition, detected chemical residues in food can threaten export opportunities. Between 2006 and 2010, the value of synthetic pesticides imported into Cambodia and used for rice cultivation increased by 285 times (FAO 2012).
To address this concern, the ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems (ASEAN-SAS) project by GIZ aims to provide solutions for long-term food security in Cambodia as well as in the whole ASEAN region through the development of regionally coordinated policies and strategies for sustainable agriculture. This also includes promotion of cross-border value chains in cooperation with public decision-makers, agricultural enterprises as well as farmer and private associations. Agrifood systems are sustainable when they are profitable along the value chain. The project focuses on three components comprising policy framework, production technology and market linkage.
In order to reduce the use of hazardous synthetic pesticides the project developed the ASEAN Guidelines on the Regulation, Use and Trade of Biological Control Agents (BCA) with regional experts. This Guideline was endorsed by ASEAN in 2014 which the projects supports to implement in Cambodia.
In 2015, two National fora on regulation, use and trade of Biocontrol Agents (BCA) were organized with cooperation between Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery(MAFF), GIZ and Cambodia Harvest implemented by Fintrac Inc with the aim to provide an opportunity to different stakeholders for sharing successful experiences in agricultural production by using BCA, which are living organism, nontoxic mechanism and specify target enemy. Biocontrol Agents were group into 4 product categories as state as below:
Natural products (plant extracts or ‘botanicals’, fermentation and other products)
They are most applicable in the context of appropriate Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies that emphasize preventative pest management: with regular observation of the crop and timely, targeted intervention only where required.
Trichoderma is one of BCA that can help farmers grow better crops and have higher income while protecting the soil environment. They are living freely in soil in agricultural and natural environments and permitted in organic farming according to international regulations. The best use of Trichoderma can be used as soil amendment, foliar spray and seed coating. It grows rapidly below 30 C temperature and 5-6.8 of pH soil.
Trichoderma species are effective against soil-borne fungal pathogens , especially causing root rot, damping off , and wilting
In 2014, ASEAN-SAS supported field demonstrations of Trichodema with rice which was evaluated by the General Directorate of Agriculture (GDA) under MAFF (see table). As a result, using Trichoderma in combination with compost or manure can significantly boost yields up to 6 tons per hectare, healthy roots and resist to rice blast disease and drought.
Further it can premature harvest comparing to the control plot. GIZ developed a Manual on Trichoderma and can facilitate trainings on the application and advice where the product is available.
In 2016, the project plans field experiments with Matarhizum, which is found as effective BCA against the brown plant hoper, especially in rice production. The third national forum on regulation, use and trade of biocontrol agents in Cambodian Agriculture is planned in the beginning of 2016 in Phnom Penh. (
Head of Crop Protection from Brunei Darussalam stresses building close relationship with farmers would lead to sustainable agriculture future
Mr. Noor Azri Bin Haji Mohamad Noor from the Department of Agriculture talked about issues and challenges in sustainable agriculture and the role of his unit in tackling them. Mr. Noor recently attended the 6th Project Partner Meeting of the ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems (ASEAN SAS) in Vientiane, Lao PDR where he gave this interview.
Can you please tell us about the role of Crop Protection unit?
“Our role is basically to advise and help farmers and the public to deal with problems in controlling pest and disease problems on all crop commodities”
How do you see that sustainable agrifood systems are important?
“I think now that people are talking about food security everywhere around the world, so it is quite important that we need to give awareness or improve farmer’s perception on sustainable agricultural systems. Eventhough we focus on high production and higher yield, we just cannot forget that these are resources and if we damage them, it will not sustain. Then, where are we going to plant in the future if we damage our soils, if we damage our environment and if we just keep producing and we do not care about the systems?”
Are there any issues or challenges in your country?
“In our country, with regard to sustainable agriculture, I think people are aware of it but it is just that the Department needs to focus more on telling them to use IPM (Integrated Pest Management). Although we have been doing things like talking to farmers, and talking to Department staff about different methods of control, and different methods of soil and nutrition [conservation], we need to keep telling them that there is no one specific answer in the field that when you do your crops if you have problems, this is the only way that you can tackle it. There are always ways and methods to combine, so IPM is a very important issue although people are not really aware of it anymore. People just care about only using pesticides and they do not realize that they are using too much pesticide or they use a lot of inorganic fertilizer and the soil will in the end not be so fertile anymore.”
“I do hope that farmers and also private sector can come to an agreement someday that sustainable agriculture is the way to go. So we can always get their supply without damaging the environment.”
Is there a lot of overuse of chemical substances?
“I am not sure about the soil part, but in terms of pesticides, there are cases that we do know that farmers although they do not really admit to it but we do know certain times they use over excessively. And we just need to go out there. The Department needs to go out there at certain times in one month just to refresh their memory that they do not really need to use it all the time. And then, we do want to focus them actually to shift their use instead of using pesticides excessively, we want them to depend on their natural enemies that are in the fields. We have done surveys a couple of years ago with a consultancy project and we found that in our paddy fields and in our vegetable fields, there is actually more natural enemies in the paddy fields up to harvest because there is no use of pesticides at that period, but in our vegetable field and in our vegetable farm we can hardly get natural enemies. It shows clearly that the farmers are using pesticides. So we need to give awareness to them.”
How does the government deal with the issues so far?
“So far, in terms of if it is used excessively and if it is somehow caught in the crops like from MRL [Maximum Residue Limit of pesticides], MRL residue or excessive, then the Department will give farmers a talk and give them a warning. That is part of where we monitor whether these farmers are actually using this excessively but only through their harvest products. That means we do say spot checks to random spot checks to test their products whether they are MRL safe or not.”
If you could, what would you like to do to solve the problem or to tackle the issues?
“I would like to do a lot of things but it is not an easy task. If I could, I would love the farmers to actually shift their practice to use more IPM rather than using chemicals. But that is the thing that ‘Pesticides need to be used in case there is an outbreak’ and we have cases of outbreaks where pest and disease if they were not controlled in the end, they did become an outbreak and it could cost the farmers to have no yield at all. So, that is why we cannot enforce them to just use IPM. We need them to make decisions for themselves. So I, myself would think that our agriculture system to be sustainable for let say the next 50 years, we would definitely need to educate them more on the importance of not using chemicals excessively but still can rely on them when we need to.”
When people are saying that they want farmers to shift their practices, how can this be done?
“I think one thing would be that we need to show them if it works or not. Then, because seeing is believing so by giving them a practical advice like a demo plot where we can show them that even with this kind of practice, you can still achieve your yield and may be negotiate like how the can actually adopt the practice. We cannot just tell them how to do it and then you get this yield. No, because it will depend on that demo plot if it is just this demo plot. Sometimes, in the field it is a different case because pest and disease are different in different locations. So for me it is not just doing this and doing that but practically tell them and also constantly going out just discussing with them what they can do to improve their yields and what they can do to improve their systems. So, there is a sustainable system.”
Does your Department have any role in doing what you just said?
“Yes, we do that. We do go out. If there is a problem where the farmers need to see, we go out and that is when we do have a closer relationship, more close consultation whether that just giving them talks, or just showing them slides. We go out to the fields, talk to them, discuss with them.”
Last question; is there anything else you would like to say?
“I do hope that farmers and also may be private sectors can come to an agreement someday that sustainable agriculture is the way to go. Let say, I am the private sector and I want produce from the farmer. I hope that the private sector will also think sustainable, so we can always get their supply without damaging the environment.”
Over70 experts from ten ASEAN Member States recently met in Lao PDR to mark the ASEAN SAS project’s mid-term milestone and discuss emerging issues and challenges to food security, including environment and climate changes in order to develop strategies for project activities post 2015. ASEAN SAS, since the inception of the second phase in 2014, has implemented activities under three priority areas namely policy framework, production technologies and market linkages to encourage regional cooperation in promoting sustainable food production at the national level as well as enhancing synergies and boosting greater impact in respective countries. The Meetings run on 17-20 November 2015 co-hosted by the Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Lao PDR.
Interviewed and photos by Rojana Manowalailao, ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems
Transcribed by Sabrina Kessler, ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems
Experts in sustainable agriculture development urge for a change in agrifood system production. Or, a future lies blind.
Policy is needed, private company must agree, consumer have to value and farmer can just start, these were voiced by the experts during private interviews at the recent 6th Project Partner Meeting of the ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems (ASEAN SAS) in Vientiane, Lao PDR.
Policy based on actual situations must be formulated and implemented.
“We face problems like the overuse of the agricultural lands. We plant every season without considering giving back what is taken from the soil. The excessive use of chemical fertilizers and chemicals is the natural calamities,” said Mr. Gerald Cammagay, a Science Research Specialist from the Philippines. “Government has to do his job to really know what the real situation is. And upon knowing the real situation they will base those real experience, real situations in formulation of good policies and that would be very good for the farmers [and everyone],” said Mr. Cammagay from Organic Agriculture Division.
Responsible agriculture has to be seen as the sole option for sustainable future and all parties in a value chain need to acknowledge and change their attitudes and practices, said the experts from ASEAN countries.
“What is most important is not a big quantity production of agriculture food, but the food we produce must be safe to consume to everybody,” said Mr. Ismail Iberahim from Department of Agriculture, Malaysia. “Farmers [and people] in developed countries are going for safe food and environment conservation. If possible, they do not want to use chemicals. But in developing countries, farmers are just thinking to get the high volume of a produce with good looking products. They also want the fast results and not thinking about tomorrow. They only think for today. I wish one day our farmers [and people] can change their attitude towards sustainable agriculture,” said Mr. Iberahim, Principal Assistant Director of Plant Biosecurity Division.
Head of Crop Protection unit from Brunei Darussalam shared similar ideas. Agriculture these days focus on high production and making higher yields, but we cannot forget it is our natural resources we are using, Mr. Noor Azri Bin Haji Mohamad Noor said. “If we do not care about the ecosystems and we damage the soil and our environment, then where are we going to plant in the future?
“I do hope that farmers and also private sector can come to an agreement someday that sustainable agriculture is the way to go. So we can always get their supply without damaging the environment,” said Mr. Noor from Department of Agriculture.
People should learn from mistakes and take a better care of the earth, said Vice Dean of Faculty of Agriculture from Indonesia. Dr. Syaiful Anwar said: “People must aware of negative impacts from exploiting the environment”. In the food system, because we have to produce enough food for people, and then we create technologies that will support us to produce more. We add fertilizers and pesticides and using of machinery that are using the fossil fuels and they cause global warming.
“These are some mistakes. As human beings we have to care about the earth we are living in. If not, the earth will become much worse and one day it will be the end of the world,” said Dr. Anwar.
Recently, over70 experts from ten ASEAN Member States met in Lao PDR to mark the ASEAN SAS project’s mid-term milestone and discuss emerging issues and challenges to food security, including environment and climate changes in order to develop strategies for project activities post 2015. ASEAN SAS, since the inception of the second phase in 2014, has implemented activities under three priority areas namely policy framework, production technologies and market linkages to encourage regional cooperation in promoting sustainable food production at the national level as well as enhancing synergies and boosting greater impact in respective countries.
“To achieve sustainable agrifood systems, it requires close collaboration among stakeholders along the value chain, including governments, farmers, civil society, consumers, and last but not least, the private sector,” said Dr. Matthias Bickel, Project Director of ASEAN SAS at the 6th Project Partner Meeting and related meetings in Vientiane. The Meetings run on 17-20 November 2015 co-hosted by the Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Lao PDR. Readmore
Meeting in Lao PDR discusses sustainable and inclusive agricultural development in ASEAN Member States
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the German Regional Cooperation project’s ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems (SAS) implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, together with Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Lao PDR organized the 6th Project Partner Meeting and related meetings on 17-20 November 2015 at Vientiane Plaza Hotel in Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR.
ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems (ASEAN SAS) as part of the ASEAN-German Programme on Response to Climate Change in Agriculture and Forestry (GAP-CC) being implemented by GIZ is now in its second phase from 2014-2017. As Food Security in ASEAN requires national sustainable agrifood systems that sustain, the livelihoods and competitiveness of agriculture and supply sufficient staple food throughout the region, ASEAN SAS supports development of regionally-coordinated policies, strategies and dialogue concepts for a sustainable agrifood sector; promotion of the use of sustainable inputs and crop management practices through capacity development; and promotion of sustainable cross-border value chains in collaboration with the private sector.
This 6th Project Partner Meeting is another important milestone for ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems to review past achievements and discuss challenges to develop strategies for project implementation beyond 2015.
Considering the progress and achievements of project activities over the past years, these meetings provides a platform for project partners from the ASEAN Member States and private sector to discuss challenges and lay out work plans and strategies for project implementation in the coming years.
Mr. Xaypladeth Choulamany, Director General of the Department of Planning and Cooperation and Leader of the Senior Official Meeting of the ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry (SOM-AMAF) for Lao PDR, officially opened the meetings. He highlighted the commitments and efforts of all ASEAN Member States and the support from Development Partners and international organisations contributed to the success of the realisation of the ASEAN Community by the end of December 2015. He reiterated the commitments of the ASEAN Member States made at the 37thAMAF Meeting in the Philippines to continue the cooperation and deepen regional integration beyond 2015 to improve ASEAN’s agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors and to achieve regional sustainable food security and nutrition. He recognized the efforts of the Member States with the support from the Federal Republic of Germany through ASEAN SAS to enable ASEAN Member States to implement the ASEAN Integrated Food Security (AIFS) Framework at national level and to strengthen the promotion of sustainable food production in the region.
In her Welcoming Remarks, Ms. Sri Dyah Kusumawardhani, Senior Officer of Agriculture Industries and Natural Resources Division of the ASEAN Secretariat underlined the importance of regional as well as global cooperation and partnerships for achieving food security and nutrition particularly through engaging civil society, private sector and research institutions. She emphasized the importance of sustainable food production through sustainable agrifood systems as addressed by ASEAN SAS and its contribution to food security. She also stressed that the meetings shall highlight emerging threats to food security such as environmental and climate-related changes and identify sustainable approaches for securing food production in the ASEAN region.
Dr. Matthias Bickel, Project Director of ASEAN SAS underscored in his Introductory remarks the German efforts to strengthen food and nutrition security through the promotion of sustainable agrifood systems to ensure food security at national and regional levels under the ASEAN Integrated Food Security (AIFS) Framework. He highlighted the progress made through the productive collaboration with the Member States to address sustainable food production in three intervention areas of policy frameworks, production technologies and market linkages. Considering ASEAN recognized World Economic Forum (WEF) and supported Grow Asia Partnership, which was officially launched in April 2015 to facilitate multi-stakeholder collaboration to enable sustainable and inclusive agricultural development in 10 ASEAN Member States, he emphasized that collaboration and partnership with private sector is the core factor for a success in achieving our goal. At his end note, Mr. Bickel concluded that this meeting is another important milestone for ASEAN SAS to review past achievements and discuss challenges to develop strategies for project implementation beyond 2015.
Training on Food and Nutrition Security in Lao PDR
Food and nutrition security remains a priority agenda for the government of Lao PDR. The Lao government has shown its commitment in addressing food and nutrition security in the country by recently launching the National Zero Hunger Challenge aiming to eradicate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition. At ASEAN level, Lao PDR engaged in the development process of the ASEAN Integrated Food Security (AIFS) Framework and the Strategic Plan of Action on Food and Nutrition Security in the ASEAN Region (SPA-FS) which provide scope and joint pragmatic approaches for cooperation among ASEAN Member States in addressing food security in the region.
At the national level, Lao PDR has developed and implemented a number of policies and strategies to strengthen food and nutrition security, namely the Agricultural Development Strategy to 2025 and Vision to 2030, the National Rice Production for National Food Security Strategy, Development Strategy of the Crop Sector 2025 and Vision 2030, and the National Nutrition Strategy and Plan of Action for 2010-2015.
One of the key recommendations from the Policy Dialogue on Food and Nutrition Security and the ASEAN Integrated Food Security Framework in Lao PDR which ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems (ASEAN SAS) organised in collaboration with the Lao Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) on 10 July 2015 in Vientiane is the need for capacity development of government officials and farmers at both national and local levels to ensure effective implementation of relevant food and nutrition security policies and strategies in Lao PDR.
In line with the project strategy to enable ASEAN Member States to implement the AIFS Framework at national level, ASEAN SAS works with Lao government to strengthen capacity of its personnel on food and nutrition security in order to develop and implement effective policies and strategies addressing food and nutrition security in Lao PDR.
The Training on Food and Nutrition Security in Lao PDR co-organised by Department of Agriculture and ASEAN SAS on 5-9 October 2015 aimed to create understanding and enhance knowledge on food and nutrition security and strengthen facilitation skills of participants. 17 young and motivated officials from line Ministries including the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and Sport, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and National University of Laos have participated in the training. It is expected that these trainees shall take part in future activities of Lao government to strengthen provincial and district-level capacity in improving food and nutrition security situation of Lao PDR.
by Duangruetai Surasakjinda, ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems